having mixed feelings now..happy that SOT is ending..sad is having to leave the school n my overseas friends...yesterday i was doing a reflection in my life for the past 4.5 months...indeed God has been so good to me..i wanted to come SOT last year but did not just because i was afraidof preaching test...even after coming this yr..i am still afraid...classmates have been giving word of knowledge on faith..but i m still scared..but yesterday God brought to memory that not only am i gradutaing on sunday...i have already preached 4 times in SOT..praise God for that..that He had brought me through...i had tuition assignments which sum up to $500 every month before SOT..but suddenly in June...all students drop tuition..i am left with one student..having no $$..i was worried for mny sch fees..but thank God for the $200 the government give in July and my best friend bless me $50 that month..and in August..my friends bless me a total of $200 in August..so school fees was not really a prob..thank God for the blessing but on top of that..i wantto thank God for loving so so so so much...He had plan it this way that i have only 1 tuition so that i will have the time to do my assignments and study for the exams...cause i still work till 7pm daily..so if i have so many tuition..i would only reach home at 10pm daily..and assignments and exams will be a burden...but thank God for "planning out my timetable"..guess wat?i just receive a new tuition yesterday...its 2 days per week for about $250..and it starts in September after graduation...God have brought back more source of income...so i think God really love me so much that He had work out all these...and everything jus come n go at the right time...Hallelujah...
Now i wanna mention about the few friends i have made during this 4.5 months...
The 1st row buddies:
Ailyn-this sister here is from Malaysia...she be going back next week..going to miss her so much...she is always so encouraging...always being there to listen to my problems and providing solutions...she always wear a smile on her face...our miss sunshine..haha...thanks for waking me up when i nearly doze off..thanks for being such a great friend...i will really miss her de...she is such an amazing sister...though she have to take care of her daughter...but yet she do so well in her assignments and exams..she always study overnight with me for exams and motivate me when i feel like giving up..thats y thanks to her i passed all exams..of course wih the help of God..thanks too for alway nagging at me...haha...and the times of reminding not to make the 2 scars on my hand..and she is really one who have a BIG heart...love her lots...
Eric-this brother is Ailyn's husband..think he is a very nice brother..very funny too..hmmm..also an amazing guy..having to take care of his daughter and handle exams + assignments...
Madeline- this sister is from my team..she is always sitting in the 1st row with me..1 who isvery intellectual...she is a very "C" person..she is always compiling the notes..then sending out to the rest of us..she is a very good friend...studying in NUS & SOT at the same time..thanks for being my friend..will still see her around in church...
Carinne-this sister here is from Indonesia..but working in Singapore..hmmm..i knew her through booking seats..haha..she is one who will really hand on to the seats for us de..there are times i come later..but there is always a seat for me..she is one who takes good care of the few us...always asking if we have scan our cards..ask whether we wanna go and have breakfast..a very nice friend...will still see her around in church too...thanks for being my friend too..
Benny- this brother here...only got to know him around last month bah..a very nice brother who always lend me his laptop to use..one who cares too..u always see him going oppostite to buy drinks n breakfast for his friends...
Kok Siang- i am sure everyone will agree with me he is a very good brother...before he become DFO..we used to chiong towards lift 7-8..he will always run down the stairs n be the 1st to reach the hall..while i will take the lift and be slower by that 5 seconds...haha..he is a very nice guys..always fetching people to church..after he become DFO..we seldom talk because he is so busy..haha..but i really happy to have this friend...thanksfor being my friend too
David-this brother always chiong together for the 1st row..can you imagine he say on the last day of school...he want to run in..cause the last time..haha..cause we used to run in for the 1st few weeks...wqanna have memories of these..hee..he is a very good brother...one hwo care and always study overnight together for exams..the names i just mention above are the friends i always hang out with..
some others who always sit in the 1st row are Sijia, Meng Ching, Melissa, Hui Ling...
now the friends i always hang out with who sit in the 2nd row...they are all from Taiwan:
Hui Yu(Maggie)- this sister here is just older than me by 1 year...that time we have to find people we do not know and give word of knowledge and Wisdom..then i jus give her word of knowledge...that was how i got to know her..after a few days then i know she is the PA of Pst Wayne..i was like wow..haha..a sister who always like to make me..a very fun person..a very nice and sweet gal..she always tell me when i go Taiwan..just let her know..she can help me find accomodation...hee...
Hui Jung-i just got to know her bout2-3 weeks ago..all along i know she always sit in the 2nd row beside maggie but never have the chance to talk..till that day i ask her her name..i told mine is Pei Shan and she say she know..was kinda paiseh..haha..she is a very funny sister..always so cheerful too..she can be quite playful too..haha..
Wei Lu-i always call her milo..haha..so bad right..she is a very nice nice nice sister..1 who care a lot..hee..that time Pst Mike came...then i need respond in the area of fear..it happen that she prayed for me..felt so comforted when she prayed for me..haha..she will always purposely pronounce my name wrongly..haha..always "bullying" me...hee..
En Chi(Amy)-this sister here is just like my "mother"..haha..she is being concerned actually..always asking me to drink more water..she seldom drink too..haha...she is my chinese teacher..i always read the chinese bible to her and words i dunno..she will teach me..but i always escape..so only read 1 week...suppose to resume on tue..but till now i haven read yet.hee..she is always listening to me too..haha..always being so patient..and always praying for me..so glad to have known her..thanks for being my friend too..
Chiu Chin(Charlotte)-this sister here is a very good friend of En Chi..think she really carry the glory of God..can see her shine in the midst..haha...think she is a very cool sister..one who cares too..
Ling Tzu-out of all the Taiwan friend..think she is the 1st one i know..a very friendly sister..one who you can talk to too..hee..
for my team de..guys..i will write again..anyway all will still be in Singapore...hee
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
So Happy...just got back my results for the papers i took on monday...so happy yeah...i passed all exams...and have finished all assignments...and also finish my bible reading...thank God for His grace...actually Bobby was thinking whether he wanna let us do another assignment-Renewal Theology which is the thickest book...but he discussed it with his wife-cindy and they decided not to give us the assignment but he wants us to read up on ourselves...hee...nowadays a bit too relax compared to the last few weeks...make me so lost..dunno what to do...haha...
4 more days to graduation :)
6 more days to grad day..finally had our last exam..passed all exams n handed in all assignment :)
YEAH 9 more days!!
have a great weekend...we learn a new worship song and the chorus goes like this: God of my forever...and forever i'm with you...my life is saved with a price..your sacrifice redeemed my soul...God of my forever..and forever i will sing..my greatest honor will always be to serve you my Lord and King...Forever and ever...Jesus you alone in glory reign...forever and ever..with you i walk this narrow way...then Pst Kong came up the stage and ask how many of us were here since youth..then as we began to sing again..a lot came back to me...i have been a Christian for 7 yrs...it haven been easy walking this road..facing persecution...then backslide and God never forsake me..He always stand there with wide open arms...God have really brought me through a lot..i grew up in this church..spent my secondary school day here..took my "o" levels..then entering in Polytechnic and going into the society to work..getting water baptised and now in SOT..God have brought me through so far..i would not know what i will be now if 7 yrs ago my friend did not bring me to the cell group...well..a little testimony of myself..i used to be a gal you would never imagine to be..those who know me can come and ask me..else some of you would know..one day my classmate invited me out..i still remember it was the Deepavali in Yr2000..it was 26/10/2000...little did i know that i was a cell group meeting till i reach the house of the member..aifelt the love of the members...i enjoyed the fellowship and there and then..i gave my life to Jesus..the following sunday i went back to church..that time was at Paya Lebar..i still remember queueing up outside waiting to go in for the service..it was my 1st time to a church..i continue to go for bout 3 months before my dad found out and stopped me..i remembered crying in my room for not being able to go..i prayed every night for doors to be open..though 3months in Christ but i was really hungry for the word of God..then my cg leader gave me A.maths tuition and another church mate gave me accounts tuition..that yr i was taking my "o"levels..eventually the same yr..my dad let me go monthly, then fortnightly and now i have been attending church for the past 6 yrs every single week..my mum started coming to church April last yr and i got water baptised last yr on 27/08/2006...and this yr coming to SOT..it jus show GOD IS A GOOD GOD:)
Dr A.R.Bernard really preach a word in season for us...esp the part bout the clay de..in the verse 2Cor4:7-8 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair...the treasure mention in the verse is the Holy Spirit and the earthen vessels are us..when we are being pressed on every side..that the clay is going to break...the Holy Spirit is going to push it outwards and the clay will not break..well..word in season for SOT students..haha..so many things on hand now...
thank God i finish all assignments by sunday and had a few days rest..then today we were informed that Exam tml is cancelled..dunno whether to be happy or sad..haha...happy is being postponed...sad is dunno when is the test..meaning stressful weeks ahead..jus got to know another Taiwan friend today..actually all along know who is she..she know my name but i dunno hers..haha..Love all my taiwan friends so much and of course Ailyn too..one of the taiwan friend i like a lot is Maggie..she is the PA to Pst Wayne..she is a very funny gal..haha..type till wanna slp le..so will update more bout her the next post
wow wow..i am so overwhelmed..that day i shared with you guys my taiwanese friends bless me $100..i received another $50 from 1 of my best buddy on fri after FOP..praise the Lord..this month actually dun have a single cent to pay sch fees..but now $100 from tution and a total blessing of $150..another $50 to go :) that day i also mention my friend paying for my transport of mission trip which cost $33..but he told me on sun that he will pass me $50 on wed..which means $17 more..hallelujah...not only that..there was this t-shirt that i really like that they are selling at FOP east entrance..i was telling some usher friends that i like it..and in the end..my usher told me on sat that he will buy for me on sun..i thought he was jus joking cause he always joke ard de...so din take it seriously..but sun when he report for duty..he told me later gai gai..i was like "huh"..then he say u forget le ah..then nvm lor..then remember..was so touched then..so i wore that t-shirt to SOT today :) and i saw this ring that i like...my usher helper just pay for it..praise the Lord for all the blessings..hallelujah..indeed God is our Jehovah Jireh--our provider :)
was so tired on fri..studied overnight for my 2 tests on fri..the 1st test was hard but the 2nd test was much easier..then we rush down to Indoor Stadium to serve for Fop..it isfrom fri-sun..fri i serve as runner for Huiming..though took HYT(comm set) but din really communicate at all..hee..then went home at 11.15..so tired..sat morning woke up at 7 cause working at 8..then after work..yolanda's father came and fetch me and Pamela to Indoor..was allocated to north entrance under Xueli..took the Hyt set again...actually i very scared of that thing de,.cause got "scolded" when i last hold it during Emerge..so i din really perform my duty well that day..sunday runner for Xueli..took that stupid HYT again..then Xueli told me bout sat..she want to me tresure the opportunity when i take the set..Xueli..not i dun wan treasure..jus a bit scared of that thing..Wanyun knows it..hee..Xueli told me that i did not show the confidence neither did i display the boldness..but on sunday..think i overcome the fear le bah..but still dun dare use it..Wanyun din even know i was holding a set..haha..what i know is..the more i scared of that object..the more God give me use..haha...
yeah..finally finish 2 bible sermon preparation and 1 book summary..so left wed Cultural Mandate Test, 8 sermon to hand in by fri..and 1 book summary by next tue :)
Saturday, August 04, 2007
My 1st row buddies with Pst Yong
My 1st and 2nd row buddies with Chikara & Taka
Wei Lu & Me
Carrine,Ailyn,me and Eric :)
wow wow...those who read wanyun's blog will know how busy we are going to be in SOT for the next few weeks..hee...
28 more days to SOT Graduatiuon Day08/08/07 -- "Cultuaral Mandate" Examination
10/08/07 -- Deadline in 10 sermon outline & Mock CG
14/08/07 -- Deadline for 2 assignment-Book Review
15/08/07 -- "Five Fold Ministry" Examination
16/08/07 -- Preaching Test
17/08/07 -- Preaching Test
17/08/07-19/08/07 -- Batam Mission Trip
21/08/07-22/08/07 -- Session with Joshua Hong (A Pastor from PstYonggi Cho Church) from 10am-10pm
23/08/07 -- Preaching Test
24/08/07 -- Preaching Test
02/09/07 -- SOT GRADUATION DAY =)
The above tests all happen in afternoon so have to take leave =( altogether bout 7-8 days =( do pray for me ya...pray for strength..actually pray for everyone you know in SOT..everyone is gonna be stress this whole month..the foreign students still gotta keep themselves free on mondays for making marriage work classes..thank God for local students..we go thru during weekend services last yr...
oh ya...i also kena preaching for mock cg...and i share on the topic "faith"..mine was on wed...on tue night..i was asking my firend how to preach faith when i dun have the faith...then wed morning when Pst Kong teach in SOT..he was saying if u preach healing..u must be in good health..you must have hfaith to preach a msg on faith..haha..thats for me ya..hmm..wanna thank God for friends who pray for me..who listen and brainstorm together..thank for active "cg memberS"...haha..they are all so reponsive and as a result..faith arise inside me...though got a number of -ve comments..but i thank God for overcoming the fear..hee..
on thursday was Ailyn's birthday..we went to Rivera to celebrate for her..i treat her breakfast and on the same day..my 2 Taiwanese friends bless me with $100...and my friend is going to pay for my transport for Batam Mission Trip...Hallelujah..still lack $100 for school fees and bout $90 for batam mission trip...
gotta go back to work le..will update again maybe after grad day? hopefully earlier =)